It has been spammed so many times within the past decade, but save Tribes One.
It's free, fast paced and badass first person shooter nonetheless.
Every player who plays recommends it, and every clan supports it. There are several different versions of Tribes available, so many edits, so many configs. Downloads upon downloads have been added to the interwebs over the past 15 years, so please, try one of these edits out.
<!> Tribes Biscuits <!> -> Download Now -> Homepage
Tribes 1.40 HD -> Download Now -> Homepage
Tribes 1.40 HQ -> Download Now -> Homepage
Those are just a few examples, many many more out there, check out the downloads here and other communities using the links that have been posted around the website.
Thank you for supporting The [Cafe] and Tribes One. - Now Come Get Some Shazbot!